Like many of you, my journey to creating Eggs in Purgatory has been filled with both challenges and victories.

Life, in its unpredictable flow, has led me through a labyrinth of challenges and discoveries. Each twist and turn in this journey has not only tested my resilience but also whispered deep wisdom into my ears, encouraging me toward greater self-awareness and authenticity.

Get in Touch!

My approach is centered on the belief that true empowerment is a journey of self-discovery, growth, and acceptance. I aim to help you unlock your inner strength and live authentically, making a positive impact on your life and the world around you.

Join me in this journey towards empowerment.

My Passions and Pursuits

Every sunrise, I dive into rituals that amp up my zen and sprinkle some magic into my day. Here's a sneak peek into the passions that jazz up my daily life and infuse joy and meaning into my journey:

  • Meditation and Yoga: These practices are my lifeline, creating space each day to reconnect with myself and maintain inner balance.

  • Music and Creativity: Whether strumming my guitar or curating playlists, music is my soul language—allows me to express myself and revel in the melodies of life.

  • Culinary Delights: Cooking is my happy place—each dish a new adventure, each flavor a moment of discovery.

  • Morning Coffee Ritual: My morning coffee is more than a beverage; it’s a ritual of mindfulness and gratitude, savoring each sip as the day begins.

  • Dynamic Movement: From downward dogs at sunrise, to power walks, pumping iron, and busting a move in my kitchen, movement is my therapy, keeping me grounded and energized.

  • Mind-Body Exploration: Fueled by personal challenges, I dive into the mind-body connection, forever unraveling the dance between the two to navigate this crazy thing called life.

  • Nature and Nurture: While I thrive in the urban bustle, retreating into nature provides me with peace and rejuvenation.

  • Family Life: As a mother to both a human and a furry friend, nurturing these relationships is central to my happiness.

  • Astrological Reflections: An Aquarius at heart, I find humor and depth in the stars, keeping some aspects playfully mysterious.

  • Laughter and Depth: While deep conversations energize me, nothing beats the pure magic of a belly-aching laugh—those moments when joy rules the world.

These parts of my life aren't just pastimes; they are integral to who I am and how I engage with the world. They light up my creative fire and steer my quest to build a tribe all about leveling up and bouncing back stronger than ever!

I’d love to hear what passions fuel your journey! Share your stories and join our community as we explore these paths together.

At first glance, the name might evoke a sense of curiosity, perhaps even mystique.

"Eggs in Purgatory" is more than a name; it's a metaphor for the journey of transformation and rebirth that lies at the heart of our shared human experience.

The imagery of eggs cooking in purgatory—simmering in a sauce, yet emerging distinct and renewed—mirrors the process of personal evolution. It reflects my own journey of emergence from the crucible of life's trials, finding strength and new beginnings in the face of adversity.

Just as eggs transform under heat, we, too, are shaped by the challenges we endure. These trials, though often difficult, are the very fires that forge our resilience, clarity, and depth of character. They are not just obstacles but catalysts for growth, pushing us to break free from our shells and discover the strength that resides within.

"Eggs in Purgatory" stands as a testament to this process of continual renewal—acknowledging that within each challenge lies an opportunity for transformation and empowerment. It's an invitation to embrace the heat of our life's challenges, not as a sentence, but as a sacred space for growth and emergence into new strengths and understandings.

Inviting Transformation,
One Breath at a Time

Join Our Journey at Eggs in Purgatory